Infrared reflectogram NPG 2094, After Hans Holbein the Younger, William Warham; ©National Portrait Gallery, London
This display of five pairs of paintings explores the production of copies and versions, drawing on research undertaken as part of the Making Art in Tudor Britain project. Using technical examination techniques including microscope examination, dendrochronology, x-radiography and infrared imaging to consider the differences between painted versions at every stage of making, the display explores the use of patterns and workshop practice. The National Portrait Gallery’s beautiful 16th century copy after Holbein’s portrait of William Warham is featured with its infrared reflectogram (right) – more details of this image can be seen in our gallery. More information about this fascinating display, and further infrared images by TSR can be found here.
More research from the MATB project has been made available in an online database which can be accessed here.